Write for Us

Please contact us before you send/write any article for OnlineLegalMagazine.com

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Online Legal Magazine. We are always looking for talented and passionate individuals to join our team of writers and share their expertise with our readers. If you have a passion for law and legal topics and would like to contribute to our platform, we invite you to write for us.

Why Write for Online Legal Magazine?

  1. Expand Your Reach: By writing for Online Legal Magazine, you have the opportunity to reach a wide audience of legal professionals, students, and individuals interested in law. Your work will be published on our platform, giving you exposure and visibility in the legal community.
  2. Showcase Your Expertise: As a contributor, you can showcase your knowledge and expertise in your area of specialization. Whether you have experience in corporate law, intellectual property, criminal justice, or any other legal field, we welcome your insights and unique perspectives.
  3. Make a Difference: At Online Legal Magazine, we believe in the power of information to empower individuals and businesses. By contributing your writing, you can make a positive impact by providing valuable legal knowledge and helping our readers navigate the complexities of the law.

Submission Guidelines:

To ensure a smooth and efficient collaboration, please review the following submission guidelines:

  1. Original Content: We only accept original, unpublished articles. Your submission should not have been published elsewhere, including on personal blogs or other platforms.
  2. Quality and Accuracy: We value high-quality content that is well-researched, accurate, and informative. Please ensure that your articles are well-written, free of grammatical errors, and provide valuable insights to our readers.
  3. Length: We typically prefer articles between 800 and 1,500 words. However, if you have a longer piece that is comprehensive and engaging, we may consider it.
  4. Formatting: Please submit your articles in Microsoft Word format, double-spaced, with subheadings and bullet points where appropriate. Include a brief author bio (approximately 50 words) at the end of your article.
  5. Citations and References: If you include any references or citations, please provide proper attribution and include the sources in a reference list.